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Additional information for planning permits

Environmental Management Guidelines for Construction Sites

These guidelines are an initiative of the MHARMB and aim to promote a preventative rather than reactive approach to project planning and implementation. With the MHARMB working closely with stakeholders, builders and developers to ensure that the site, spoil, drainage and revegetation are managed in accordance with best practice environemental management principles.

The guidelines are intended to provide an outline of the key factors that need to be considered to ensure successful site management and rehabilitation.

The Objective is to understand and work with the alpine environment so that soil disturbance is minimal and site rehabilitation is both achievable and sustainable.

Click the link to download a copy of the Environmental Management Guidelines for Construction Sites.

Construction Guidelines for Construction Sites - Feb 2022

Geotechnical Assessments

The Erosion Management Overlay Schedule 1 Management of Geotechnical Hazard (EMO1) is a control that applies across all land in Victoria's six Alpine Resorts. The EMO1 triggers the requirement for a planning permit to construct a building, construct and carry out work as well as the lopping, removal and destroying of any vegetation (native or introduced).

A Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment must be submitted when a planning permit is required under the EMO1 and must be specific to the site and the development proposal. Where the risk to property or life is found to be low or very low, as defined by the AGS Guidelines, no further geotechnical analysis is required. If the risk to property and life is found to be greater than low a Quantitative Risk Assessment will be required.

To assist in the preparation of a Preliminary Geotechnical Report, background material and advice can be sought from the relevant Alpine Resort Management Board.

Each Alpine Resort Management Board is a referral authority for the purpose of assessing a Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment submitted under the EMO1. The Alpine Resort Management Board may respond that it:

  • requires a more detailed geotechnical report,
  • supports a proposal based on the preliminary geotechnical report,
  • supports the proposal subject to conditions, or
  • objects to the proposal on geotechnical grounds.

If the Alpine Resort Management Board objects to the proposal, the Responsible Authority must refuse the application.

Who should prepare a Geotechnical Report?

A Geotechnical Assessment must be prepared or technically verified by a suitable qualified and experienced geotechnical practitioner.

A declaration must be signed by the practitioner and submitted with the Geotechnical Assessment to demonstrate that they are suitably qualified and have the necessary professional indemnity insurance to prepare such reports. 

For more information, contact