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Existing Dwellings

Building Standards of Occupancy Guidelines

All buildings within the Mt Hotham resort must comply with current building legislation (Building Act 1993) & Building Regulations 2018.

An inspection will be undertaken by the Municipal Building Surveyor and a report provided to lessees for the further consideration and/or subsequent action. The inspection and report will be at the Resort Management's cost. The Building Standards of Occupancy inspections are part of your lease obligations at Mt Hotham.

The Building Standards of Occupancy cover:

  • Essential Safety Meaures - this covers frequency of inspection and relevant test standard of building elements required to satisfy prescribed fire resistance levels, and materials and assemblies required to satisfy prescribed fire hazard properties. Please see the Essential Safety Measures page for more information [link]
  • Annual Essential Safety Measures Report - to be supplied by the Tenant to the Landlord before each winter season. Please see the Essential Safety Measures page for more information 
  • Fire and Life Safety
  • Bushfire Compliance - minimum level under AS 3959-2009 "Constuction of buildings in bushfire prone areas." and Board's Bushfire Protection Compliance Guidelines.
  • Building Standards of Occupancy 
  • Smoke Detectors and Alarm System
  • Fire Sprinklers (if applicable) and
  • Timeframe for compliance

Listed in the Alpine Standard Lease Part 11, Clause 11.3 and Part 12, Clauses 12.1 & 12.2 are the reference to these inspections and reporting.

These inspections are conducted on a three yearly cycle.

An audit on the buildings FECA (Fully Enclosed Covered Area) is also conducted during the Building Standards of Occupancy Inspections.

Fire and life safety

Most buildings within the Mount Hotham Alpine Resort are residential in nature and incorporate sleeping accommodation in most cases. Because of this, it is extremely important that basic fire safety systems are installed and maintained to their optimum operation levels.

In most cases, these systems have been a building code requirement for many years and therefore, it is the responsibility of MHARMB, through its appointed Municipal Building Surveyor, to ensure they are installed where required and maintained in accordance with the legislation (refer to Essential Safety Measures). 

Fire Safety Management and Evacuation Plan

To assist your premises in being fire ready we ask that all premises at Mt Hotham complete a Fire Safety Management & Evacuation Plan for their lodge, club, apartment building or business. The Mt Hotham Dinner Plain CFA and Mt Hotham Resort Management Board are available to assist you to create and finalise your plans.

For more information or advice, please contact either of the contacts below.

CFA Operations Manager

CFA District 24 
Smythe Street
WODONGA Vic 3690

P/ 02 6043 8832
F/ 02 6024 7821


MHARMB Property, Planning and Development
P/ 03 5759 3550


Is your property ready for Summer?

Every year, the RMB creates a Summer Preparedness Checklist to help property lessees ensure their properties are well prepared for the summer season and that the RMB has the information we need to get in touch with you in the event of an emergency. View the current checklist now.

Learn more