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Portable Signs

The Mt Hotham Resort Management is working towards a fully accessible village that is safe and easy for people to move around. Public footpaths and roads should provide safe and unimpeded access to businesses and services. To this end, activities on the roads and paths (including portable signs) are limited to locations where public safety and visual amenity can be maintained.

Guidelines have been developed to provide acceptable solutions for the design and placement of portable signs in public places. These guidelines are available below.

The use of off-site public areas by businesses in not a right, but a privilege that could be granted to traders only where there is no danger and where amenity is retained. Every existing and new business will need to comply with these Guidelines.

Apply for permission to use portable signs

To apply for permission to display a portable sign within the Mt Hotham Alpine Resort please complete and submit an application form and review the Portable Sign Guidelines.

Please do not display your sign until after you have received an approval in writing from the Resort Management.

Submit forms and required documentation to:

Property & Planning
Mt Hotham Alpine Resort Management 
PO Box 188


Planning Scheme Guidance on Advertising Signage

Advertising Signage is defined in the Alpine Resorts Planning Scheme Clause 52.5. The purpose of this clause in the Planning Scheme is to regulate the display of signs and associated structures as follows: 

  • To provide for signs that are compatible with the amenity and visual appearance of an area, including the existing or desired future character.
  • To ensure signs do not contribute to excessive visual clutter or visual disorder.
  • To ensure that signs do not cause loss of amenity or adversely affect the natural or built environment or the safety, appearance or efficiency of a road.