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Building Permits

When planning to build, extend, renovate or create a new space within your building you may require a building permit. To find out whether you require a building permit, you must consult a Registered Building Surveyor. 

If you do not have any contacts, the Mt Hotham Alpine Resort Management has engaged a Municipal Building Surveyor, Mr Phil Davern.

Phil Davern can be contacted on:


M/ 0428 797 273


Building Permit Application Form

To apply for a building permit, send your completed Building Permit Application form to


Biodiversity Assessment Guidelines, Offsets & Native Vegetation Removal  

The Mt Hotham Resort Management is responsible for several offset sites within the resort. If you're planning a development that requires removal and offset of native vegetation within the resort and would like assistance please contact us to discuss.

In Victoria, a permit is required to remove, destroy or lop native vegetation. The removal of native vegetation is primarily regulated by the Victoria Planning Provisions. These regulations are known as the native vegetation permitted clearing regulations. The Permitted clearing of native vegetation Biodiversity assessment guidelines (the Guidelines) are an incorporated document within all Victorian Planning Schemes and outline how impacts on Victoria's biodiversity are assessed when an application to remove native vegetation is lodged.

The Guidelines are applied alongside other requirements of the planning scheme when an application for a permit to remove native vegetation is considered by the responsible authority. A permit to remove native vegetation does not replace any requirements under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 and the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

If a permit to remove native vegetation is granted, an offset which makes an equivalent contribution to Victoria's biodiversity will be required. Offset requirements are determined in accordance with the Guidelines.

The establishment of arrangements to assist the securing of offsets for development in alpine areas continues to be the subject of ongoing discussions between the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and the Resort Management Boards. Due to the highly localised occurrence of many native species in alpine resorts a range of options is being explored to enable species specific offsets to be secured.