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Public Interest Disclosures

Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012

The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (PID Act) enables people to make a disclosure about corrupt or improper conduct by a public officer or a public body. RMB is a public body for the purposes of the PID Act.

What is a public interest disclosure?

A public interest disclosure is a complaint of corrupt or improper conduct or detrimental action by a public officer or a public body. ‘Improper or corrupt conduct’ involves substantial mismanagement of public resources, risk to public health or safety or the environment, or corruption. ‘Detrimental action’ is action taken against a person in reprisal for making a public interest disclosure.

How do I make a public interest disclosure?

You can make a public interest disclosure about RMB or its board directors, officers or employees by contacting IBAC (details below). RMB is not able to receive public interest disclosures. RMB has established procedures for the protection of persons from detrimental action in reprisal for making a public interest disclosure about RMB, its board members, officers or employees.

You can access RMB’s procedures by clicking here.

Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC) Victoria

Level 1, North Tower
459 Collins Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000

GPO Box 24234
Melbourne Victoria 3001 
1300 735 135